Tuesday, August 17, 2010


Webster.com defines kindness as "a kind deed, favor... affection"
I sat down this afternoon to check emails and watch the much needed rain out my office window and it came to mind the teachers at our school that have made my transition this year much easier. The county powers that be have transfered me from one school in our county to another. I grow to care very deeply for each and every student which crosses my path (I'm sure many of you can relate). Therefore, when I leave a school I miss those which I serve and care a great deal about. With that sadness (rain) comes the good that results (sunshine and new crops). That's where God has planted the teachers and students I am blessed to be around each and every day. In comes Stampin' Up! (smile)...so for the next few days, weeks, I need be more complimentary and thankful to the staff/friends/coworkers.... Tonight is the beginning...because my friend as you will learn...even the rain is a blessing :-) Much love, S
The colours really do love smashing together and MATCH...grrr@photo
Celebrations Quick Accents (polka dot strip and green flower center) 118708
Extra Large 1 3/4 Scallop Circle Punch (blue flower)119854
Extra Large Two-Step Bird Punch (stem/leaves)117191
Real Red Stampin' pad
Simple Sayings II @ 2003 "thanks for your kindness"
Hearts @ 1999 "ladybug" which I stamped on inside lower right of card and back flap of envelope
I also went back and added a bow to the stem/leaves :-)

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