Saturday, October 20, 2012

Fall has arrived....

The view outside our den this beautiful day.  If you don't believe in God then were does all this beauty...the breeze (cough and dust combine thrown all over our abode) the sun the birds....Fall sounds...God in all His glory...

And so I walk to mailbox...awwwwwwwww sweet baby Knight....awwwwww
Me thinks he'll be crazy bout his papaw Gene :-) awwwww city boys love the country...just ask Knight's daddy, Daniel :-)

Thursday, October 4, 2012


Don't miss out on this giveway @ Designs by JuJu
I often use this site to download machine embroidery designs...

Monday, October 1, 2012

Bah Humbug....except I love CHRISTmas

I love CHRISTmas because I love the story of Christ's birth and getting together with family...the holiday is truly special...BUT...I do feel bahhhhhhhh humbug.....and it's only October 1.  My mammaw, who is 92, is in the we get to spend the night together every night...we just wanna go home and sleep in our beds....

The office is still so glum and sad without Jason.  I don't know if I'm coming to going...can't seem to get caught up on anything...muddling through as best I can in new job position that has bout zillion "jobs"...oh the love of stress....

Haven't slept in my bed with my handsome hubby since last Tuesday due to Jackson and Meridian last Wed, Thur, and Friday and then mammaw being put in hospital with "ticker" issues...  she's a tough ole poot...and my hubby is a good man for being so understanding, and the PCSD teachers are being so patient with me for being slow and clueless...

This too shall pass...

We must always remember Psalms 118:24